
Ozone is a natural gas, a tri-atomic form of oxygen

  1. HOW IT IS MADE - ozone is produced in the ozone generator which is supplied with air and a little bit of electricity. The electricity splits the oxygen in the air in to 2 oxygen atoms. These oxygen atoms then combine with oxygen molecules to form ozone gas. The weak bond holding ozone's third oxygen atom is what causes ozone to be a very strong oxidant and an ideal 'chemical free' sanitiser and oxidiser agent. When oxidising a compound the weak bonded oxygen atom is lost leaving only the original oxygen molecule behind.
  2. OZONE APPROVALS - Aqueous ozone is approved as a 100% natural, safe, and effective sanitiser by health authorities around the world
  3. OZONE ANTI-MICROBIAL EFFICACY - Ozone, a natural gas, is 3,000 times more powerful than traditional oxidants like chlorine. It has no toxicity issues and produces no disinfection byproducts (DBP's). Micro organisms do not build up a tolerance to ozone
  4. RELATIVE SANITISING VALUES - 1 ppm ozone equates to 200ppm chlorine
  5. OZONE SAFETY ( STORAGE ) - Ozone is produced onsite by the ozone generator. Because of its short life ( as it reverts back to oxygen ) ozone can not be supplied or stored in tanks. Therefore safety requirements for storage and handling of dangerous chemicals like chlorine do not apply.
  6. OZONE SAFETY ( IN WATER ) - Ozone has been allowed and accepted for some time in food processing in Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries around the world. Ozone was confirmed as GRAS ( Generally Recognised as Safe ) by the FDA in 1998 and recently as a safe and sustainable sanitiser for food meant for human consumption.
  7. OZONE SAFETY ( IN AIR ) - Ozone gas in the work place is subject to local Government regulations. Typically Health & Safety regulations require that ozone levels in the work place remain below 0.1 ppm.

51 Randolph Street, Eden Terrace
Auckland, New Zealand 1010


Phone: (09) 415 3335

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